
Here are a couple cheat pages:

Mini-Game Cheats – for all your mini-game needs!

Glitchs – If there is a glitch on Club Penguin, its in here!
The Tour Guide Quiz Answers!! – We know how annoying it is not to pass this test.
The Secret Agent Quiz Answers!! – We know how much you want that spy-phone!


  1. i want the password of arctic antics guide so pls you sen dme by email in my mail box

  2. will you be my penpal

  3. please

  4. penpal or e-pal?

  5. LoL

  6. can you plz tell me the password to Join A.P. my laptop won’t let me go on clubpenguin to get a picture of me so plzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me the password.

  7. THX
    My emaile address is
    Plzz tell me it

  8. pass to JOIN A.P.?
    sorry, but there is no password to join A.P.

  9. uqhho837 yq9983

  10. grrr tell me pass please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. sorry dv556, but you need to work it out, a new way to get the password will be coming soon!!

  12. Is the password hidden somewhere on your site?????

  13. oh, sorry, you can find it in a previous post, JUNE ARCHIVES, or searh GUIDE PASSWORD HINT

  14. i always see penguins with the like, the name Penguin796547857 or something like that and i wanna know how to do that. do u know how icysnap?

  15. you can do it but you need a new penguin, if no one is around to moderate your name when you create your account, it comes out with Penguin00000000 (like you said), when they have a chance to moderate your name it is changed to the normal. If it is not a suitable name, your penguin is either deleted or you keep it with penguin 000000000 (I’m not 100% sure which happens)

  16. can you give a clue for the pass

  17. sure, just look in the June Arrchives, the post is in there


  19. my pazz is:jakugag123
    my user is:nikeroupt123

  20. i really don’t think the iceberg tips

  21. please tell me the password for arctic aurnts cheats

    Vestnichetod: I’m sorry, but the guide is out of order, because we just do not have time to update it. But I think it’ll be working soon!

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